Saturday’s shoot was laid back. Those that turned out were a varied group of shooters. Several came after the safety briefing at 10:00 AM. The count came out to 25. The day was marvelous and the temperature was comfortable. During lunch the wind picked up significantly, at one point that afternoon marching a 12×12 easy-up about two lengths along the central berm beyond the firing line (Cease Fire! Cease Fire! Cease Fire!).
As usual the plates were full between the burgers, links, marinated chicken and carne asada. We had a nice cooking area with and easy-up and again crazychinaman and helpers handled the cooking duties. A big Thank You!, to those who helped out.
RFBIII and repo4sale ‘tag-teamed’ on the RSO duties. Thanks Bob and John! Note: additional RSO’s will be needed at all future events on the East 1A/B ranges, due to the divided line, so folks, please volunteer to help!
Again Gun Effects, our shoot sponsor provided several great prizes. Our three prize winners were TheComedian (Javier D.), RFBIII (Bob B.) and crazychinaman (Al F.). KEN RYAN (same) won the 2nd quarterly Grand Prize. Ken, please let us know what you pick for your ‘at cost’ item from Gun Effects. The remaining non-winning tickets were discarded and next month the sweepstakes tickets process will start over for the 3rd quarter.
Thanks to everyone for coming and special thanks for all those who helped make the event enjoyable!
See you next month.
BuckleNose (David M.)